1. 2024年法定假期列表
    Statutory holiday for 2024

  2. 2025年法定假期列表
    Statutory holiday for 2025

  3. 向房署申請海外家庭傭工暫住証
    Application of temporary housing permit

  4. 領取身份證授權書
    Authorization for collect HKID

  5. 通知入境事務處有關更改住址
    In/resources/doc Immigration for change address

  6. 要求加快海外家庭傭工簽證申請
    Request for early approval of visa

  7. 取消海外家庭傭工簽證申請
    Cancellation of visa application

  8. 申請信(護照續期後延長簽證直至完約)
    Application Letter (Extend visa until FC after Renewed PP)

  9. 申請家庭傭工延期一個月
    Application Letter (Extend one month visa after FC)

  10. 海外家庭傭工放假再入境通知書
    Re-entry letter for helper vacation

  11. 每月傭工薪金收據(英文及印尼文)
    Monthly salary receipt - Eng and Indo version

  12. 終止僱傭合約付款收據
    Acknowledgment of receipt for settlement

  13. 終止僱傭合約通知書
    Notification of terminate contract

  14. 終止僱傭合約 - 一個月通知信(英文及印尼文)
    One month notice to helper - terminate contract

  15. 終止僱傭合約 - 一個月通知信(英文及印尼文)
    One month notice to employer - terminate contract

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